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Tuesday, 5 June 2018

About Cholesterol | Understanding HDL and LDL cholesterol

If you are diagnosed with high level of cholesterol then you have come to the right place.Now what you need to do is to understand the cholesterol and the ways how it can be lowered.

 Let's start with what cholesterol is and its types.

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is found in all the cells in your body. As it is fat like substance so it does not mix with the blood, which is water like.

Is Cholesterol essential for our body?

For proper functioning your body needs some cholesterol. Cholesterol is used to build cell membranes and also produce some hormones that help you to digest foods.It also helps to produce Vitamin D.

What transports cholesterol through out the body?

Cholesterol is transported around the body in vehicles which are known as lipoproteins.

The main types of lipoproteins are High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). HDL,LDL, and triglycerides are a type of fat that are carried in the blood and that make up total cholesterol levels.

HDL ('The Good Cholesterol') : It is like a cleaner  for cholesterol in the body. When HDL is at healthy levels in your blood, it removes extra cholesterol building up  in your arteries and then sends it to your liver.Your liver then removes the cholesterol from your body.So this will help to reduce the risk of heart disease, that is, heart attack and stroke.

'The Bad Cholesterol'): This is bad cholesterol because this cholesterol combines with fat,calcium and other substances in the blood to form plaque. Plaque then slowly builds up and hardens in the arteries which makes them narrow.This buildup of plaque causes a condition called atherosclerosis that can lead to heart disease, heart attack and stroke. 

All this is explained in the below picture:

What does it feel like?

There are usually no signs or symptoms that are associated with building up cholesterol in our arteries,this is the main reason that many people don't know that they have high levels of cholesterol. The cholesterol in our arteries slow down the blood supply to the heart. This can cause chest pain, pain in the arms or jaw, sweating, or shortness of breath.These blockages can cause major problem.For some people the first sign may be a heart attack or the stroke
This is the real picture of cholesterol that is pulled out of the artery. How gross it looks in reality.

Who is affected by High cholesterol

Many factors can play a part .They may be

  • The genes from your parents
  • Your Weight
  • Your gender
  • Your diet and lifestyle
  • Your age 
  • Your medical history

Understanding Cholesterol Numbers

Cholesterol numbers are measured in milligrams per deciliter(mg/dL).
The Table shown below will show you the healthy levels of cholesterol.

    For age of 19 or younger

   For Men :Age 20 or older

For Women :Age 20 or older