Finally summer is here, you probably be needing something cool and delicious to beat the heat. What if you get these entities boosted with a pack of health?
Yes! The solution is Watermelon. It is having 92% of water content & is soaked with the nutrients. One cup of watermelon contains only 46 calories in it. A watermelon has mostly fiber and water which can make your stomach feel full with so much less calories. So if this summer you're having a resolution of shredding your body then this article is for you.
Yes! The solution is Watermelon. It is having 92% of water content & is soaked with the nutrients. One cup of watermelon contains only 46 calories in it. A watermelon has mostly fiber and water which can make your stomach feel full with so much less calories. So if this summer you're having a resolution of shredding your body then this article is for you.

Nutrition facts
Here are the top 15 health benefits of eating watermelon.
The best watermelon health benefits is that it aids in healthy weight loss. It has high water content, which can fill you up for fewer calories.
Watermelon also speed up metabolism and flush out toxins and fats, which may contribute to weight loss.
Watermelon contains Vitamin C which helps in strengthening the immune system.It protects our body from infections and helps in formation of red blood cells.
There has been a controversy whether Vitamin C can contribute to the prevention of common cold or not. The cells of immune system accumulate Vitamin C and need the Vitamin C to perform the task especially phagocytes. Thus deficiency of Vitamin C results in reduce resistance against pathogens.
The intake of Vitamin C may reduce the duration of illness in healthy persons.
Watermelon is 92% water so it is best source of hydration. so during summers if you feel really hot then try watermelon juice it is far better than all those carbonated drinks.
Watermelon is a good source of potassium which lowers the blood pressure.
It has citrulline in it, which is an amino acid that is converted to arginine into the body when eaten. These both citrulline and arginine help in production of nitric oxide which is a vasodilator. It helps to relax and dilate the blood vessels,due to which more blood can pass freely which leads to lower blood pressure.
One of the most common problem is Constipation. It is due to lack of fiber and water in the diet. Water melon has both in it,so it keeps our digestive tract healthy and helps in easy passage of the stool.
Now you must be wondering that how fiber helps in constipation.
Do you know that our body cannot digest fiber? well that is true.... Even though our body cannot digest fiber, eating enough of it is very important for your gut.
This is because fiber increases the size of your stool and make them softer.
So Larger and softer stools help keep you regular, as they are easier to pass.
The minerals present in the fruit can help prevent third trimester muscle also reduces morning sickness.
it also reduces swelling in feet and hands and also supports fetus bone formation.
Watermelon contains Lycopene. Lycopene. in watermelons has been found to reduce the cancer insurgence. The red color of watermelon is because of Lycopene, so it is a very powerful antioxidant.
1 cup of watermelon contains about 20 milligrams of Lycopene which protects us from numerous types of cancer.
Lycopene is also one of the free radical fighting antioxidants. Free radicals are damaging molecules that float around in the body disrupting cells and promoting cancer. They destroy free radicals so they can't attach to your cells.
Lycopene also prevent lung,prostate,pancreas,colon,rectum and stomach cancer.
Again it has Lycopene which is good for heart also. It is very effective at protecting cells from damage and so lowers the risk of heart disease.
Watermelon is very important for older women.It is found that after Menopause women face increased aortic stiffness. If they take watermelon extract for several weeks their blood flow will be normal and arterial stiffness will be reduced.
Again it has arginine which help improve blood flow and may help reduce the accumulation of excess fat.
It has vitamin A and Vitamin C. these both are helpful in good health of skin and hair.
Vitamin C helps build collagen, which is highly important for hair growth, but maintaining the strength of hair is also crucial. Vitamin C plays a necessary role in absorbing iron which keeps our hair strong and healthy.
Vitamin C also maintains healthy skin by promoting the expansion of collagen. It also helps in creation of ligaments and scar tissue. It also helps in slowing the age process by slowing the rate of free radicals.
Vitamin A is a group of compounds that includes its active forms (retinol,retinal and retinoic acid) and other pro vitamin A carotenoids, like beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is form of vitamin A that we get directly from the Watermelon.
This slows down the ageing process and encourages healthy skin production.
It smoothens the wrinkles and give the even skin tone.
When we workout we feel so good but after some hours of workout our muscles get sore. It hurts a lot. Fortunately, scientists have been making progress in assessing natural muscle relief for those who experience pain after workout.
They have discovered a nutrient which is L-citrulline, which only found in one food i.e Watermelon.
Citrulline has been found to accelerate the process of lactic acid removal, hence relieving muscle soreness. Drinking watermelon juice can also help your muscles receive more oxygen , this helps them recover faster.
So drinking watermelon juice before an intense workout helps reduce next-day muscle soreness and heart rate.
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